My Little Secret

Sweetie Pie for What To Do At The Time Of Death Of Your Pet

I lost my little Peekay, what, five years ago now. No, it might even be six. And I still haven’t put his ashes into an urn. They are still in the can wrapped in blue paper that the cremains came in from the crematorium. 

I have tried, a few times, to create an urn for him. I just cannot bring myself to do it, as I know it will open up a wound and restart the pain afresh. Although I know enough time has passed that it will be much softer, with happy memories at the forefront. But I am still hesitant. 

Or maybe I just haven’t been able to decide on what I want for him. I am too immersed in pet urns. Thinking about it, it seems that I might want someone else to create one for me. It feels much more comfortable. And Steve Shelby’s urns are so amazing. I think a Sleeping Dog Urnwill be wonderfully peaceful for him. Yes, that just feels right. That is the one I am going to get… 

I see that my customers are stronger than me. 

Wherever you are in this process, it is o.k. Time works it all out. There is no right or wrong. 

You will heal when you are ready to heal. 

I think soon it will be time.

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